By Free State Kansas on February 14, 2020
Category: Politics

Poll Projects Kobach Will Defeat Bollier in Senate Race

An internal poll released by Kris Kobach's campaign shows the former Secretary of State leading State Senator Barbara Bollier (D) in a hypothetical general election matchup for U.S. Senate. 

The phone survey of 300 likely voters shows 47.0% preferring Kobach, and 37.7% supporting Bollier. The poll also reports that 15.4% of likely voters remain undecided. 

In a statement from the campaign Kobach said, "This poll confirms what we've known all along. Kansans want a Republican in the U.S. Senate with a known, conservative track record, who has backed Donald Trump since early 2016 and will continue to do so,"

The poll, which was conducted by McLaughlin Associates, has a +/- 5.6% margin of error. The surveys demographics included 49.7% Republican, 27.7% Democrats, and 22.6% unaffiliated. Voter registration statistics from 2018 show that 43.8% of Kansas voters are registered Republicans, 24.2% are Democrats, and 31% are unaffiliated. The poll slightly over-sampled both Republicans and Democrats, which may represent projected turnout percentages. 

Kobach faces several Republican primary opponents, while Bollier is running unopposed for the Democratic nomination. A December poll showed Kobach winning the primary easily, but a more recent poll tweeted by President Trump suggested a tight race between Kobach and Rep. Roger Marshall. That poll was funded by the Keep Kansas Great PAC, which has endorsed Marshall. 

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